One of the top challenges for small businesses is managing cash flow effectively. The good news is there are more than a hundred ways to increase your cash flow, and some of them are very simple to implement.
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Cash Flow
One of the biggest challenges for small businesses is managing cash flow. There never seems to be enough cash to meet all of the obligations, so it makes sense to speed up cash flow when you can. Here are five tips you can use to get your cash faster or slow down the...
A Report Card for Your Business Financials
Do you remember the days when you got a report card from school? Now that you have a business, your business has grades as well. But it’s up to you to calculate them. Here are some grades you can compute for your business to give it a report card of its own....
10 Ways to Boost Your Business Revenue for 2019
The start of a new year also means that it’s the perfect time to revisit old business strategies from last year so that you can maximize your revenue for 2019. If your financial numbers were fantastic last year, that’s great! Keep the strategies that...
Business Planning Made Easy for 2019
2019 is right around the corner, which makes today the perfect time to think about your business goals and where you want to be one year from now. As year-end wraps up, you’ll soon know your financial numbers for 2018. You’ll then be able to evaluate how...
Marketing by the Numbers
Do you know if your marketing efforts are paying off? More importantly, do you know which marketing campaigns and channels are profitable and which are losing money? Marketing is one of the toughest areas to calculate return on investment, and one of the reasons is...
5 Tips on Bringing Home the Bacon
Whether you call it bacon, Benjamins, or big bucks, cash – and having enough of it – is key to running your business. Here are five tips related to managing and getting the most out of your business cash. 1- All banks...
Making Deadlines Can Save You Big Bucks in Your Business
There are a lot of deadlines that come with running a business. Missing some deadlines can have serious financial implications to the health of your business. Let’s take a look at how much you’ll save by being on time with the following deadlines. Payroll One of the...
Three Super-Easy Ways to Boost Your Revenue for 2018
Every business has a gold mine in its current customer base. But not all business owners remember to mine this gold because they are too busy trying to attract new customers or developing new products or services. This is the perfect time of year to step back and...
Is It Profitable to Blog?
One of the many online marketing options available for businesses is blogging. A blog can act as a company’s daily newspaper, letting customers and followers know the latest news about what’s happening. It can also be a wonderful revenue-generator. As long as the...